Enrolment -

Enrolment Information
The student's academic year level at entry
Student Details

First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Please enter the student's legal name as it appears on their Birth Certificate.
First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Select gender
The name of the school currently being attended
Residence A / Primary Contact Details*

Please type your primary residence addresss in the above address search
Street number and name
Rural Delivery
Post Code

Residence A - Caregiver 1

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Tidewater College
Relationship to the student

Residence A - Caregiver 2

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Tidewater College
Relationship to the student
Please tick if the student resides at another address at times
Health Details

List any medical problems including hearing, allergies and diagnosed conditions
List any additional learning support, needs or requirements this student may have
Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact 1
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Tidewater College
e.g. Grandmother
Emergency Contact 2
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. Grandfather
Special Interests